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Bind a variable

Given a file named “main.scm” with:

(import (scheme base))
(write-u8 (let* ((x 65)) x))

When I successfully run stak main.scm

Then the stdout should contain exactly “A”.

Bind two variables

Given a file named “main.scm” with:

(import (scheme base))
(write-u8 (let* ((x 65) (y x)) y))

When I successfully run stak main.scm

Then the stdout should contain exactly “A”.

Bind three variables

Given a file named “main.scm” with:

(import (scheme base))
(write-u8 (let* ((x 65) (y x) (z y)) z))

When I successfully run stak main.scm

Then the stdout should contain exactly “A”.