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Running in no-std and no-alloc environment in Rust

This page explains how to use Stak Scheme for dynamic scripting with neither std nor alloc crates in Rust. By reading this page, you will learn:

  • How to disable std and alloc features for the Stak Scheme library in Rust crates.
  • How to run the Stak Scheme virtual machines without std and alloc crates in Rust.

The full source codes used in this guide is available at the example crate in the Stak Scheme repository.

Installing the Stak Scheme library without std and alloc features

To disable std and alloc features of the Stak Scheme library, you need to disable its default features first in your crate’s Cargo.toml file. This is because the Stak Scheme library enables these features by default. After that, list up all the other features you need in the features field of the dependency entry.

For a full list of features available, see the Rust documentation of the stak crate.

stak = { version = "SOME_VERSION", default-features = false, features = [
# List all the features you need.
] }

Running virtual machines of Stak Scheme

To run virtual machines of Stak Scheme without std and alloc features, you would initialize them with custom sets of primitive sets.

First, declare that your crate does not use std or alloc crates in

// At the top of your `` file.

Then, import data structures that we initialize virtual machines of Stak Scheme with from the stak crate.

use stak::{
// In-memory fixed buffer I/O device.
// "Void" data structures with disabled operations.

Finally, you initialize and run a virtual machine of Stak Scheme configuring the R7RS-small primitive set with the imported data structures. You use the in-memory I/O device for communication between Rust and Scheme, and “void” file system, process context, and clock which do not run any real operations to disable all the other primitives.

use stak::{r7rs::{SmallError, SmallPrimitiveSet}, vm::Vm};
const BUFFER_SIZE: usize = 1 << 8;
const HEAP_SIZE: usize = 1 << 16;
fn run_vm(
bytecodes: &[u8],
device: &mut FixedBufferDevice<BUFFER_SIZE, BUFFER_SIZE>,
) -> Result<(), SmallError> {
let mut heap = [Default::default(); HEAP_SIZE];
let mut vm = Vm::new(
&mut heap,
// Initialize the R7RS-small primitive set.
// Attach an I/O device.
// For the rest, you use "void" interfaces because they are not
// needed.
