Quote a number
Given a file named “main.scm” with:
When I successfully run stak main.scm
Then the stdout should contain exactly “A”.
Quote a list
Given a file named “main.scm” with:
When I successfully run stak main.scm
Then the stdout should contain exactly “ABC”.
Unquote a number
Given a file named “main.scm” with:
When I successfully run stak main.scm
Then the stdout should contain exactly “ABC”.
Unquote a list
Given a file named “main.scm” with:
When I successfully run stak main.scm
Then the stdout should contain exactly “ABC”.
Unquote and splice a list
Given a file named “main.scm” with:
When I successfully run stak main.scm
Then the stdout should contain exactly “A”.
Unquote and splice two lists
Given a file named “main.scm” with:
When I successfully run stak main.scm
Then the stdout should contain exactly “AB”.
Unquote and splice three lists
Given a file named “main.scm” with:
When I successfully run stak main.scm
Then the stdout should contain exactly “ABC”.
Unquote and splice an expression
Given a file named “main.scm” with:
When I successfully run stak main.scm
Then the stdout should contain exactly “A”.
Capture a local variable
Given a file named “main.scm” with:
When I successfully run stak main.scm
Then the stdout should contain exactly “A”.