File system in Stak Scheme


June 23, 2024


  • Stak Scheme
  • File system in R7RS
  • Implementation
  • Future work

Stak Scheme

  • A bytecode compiler and virtual machine (VM) for Scheme
  • The compiler is written in Scheme.
  • The VM is written in Rust.
  • It aims to support R7RS-small.

File system in R7RS

Generic I/O

  • Port type
    • input-port?, output-port?
    • call-with-port
  • Read operations
    • read-u8, read-string, read
  • Write operations
    • write-u8, write-string, write
  • close-port

File system in R7RS

File operations

  • open-input-file
  • open-output-file
  • delete-file
  • file-exists?


Generic I/O

  • A port type
  • vtable-ish implementation
(define-record-type port
  (make-port read write close)
  (read port-read)
  (write port-write)
  (close port-close))


  • Primitive file operations talks to libc directly.
  • Rust's std crate doesn't expose some underlying details.
    • e.g. file descriptors

Opening files

(define (open-file path output)
  (let ((descriptor ($$open-file (string->path path) output)))
    (unless descriptor
      (error "cannot open file"))
      (lambda () ($$read-file descriptor))
      (lambda (byte) ($$write-file descriptor byte))
      (lambda () ($$close-file descriptor)))))

Future work

  • More R7RS compatibility
  • Efficient Scheme file compilation in Rust projects