eval-based interpreter in Stak Scheme


July 21, 2024


  • Stak Scheme
  • Progress
  • The eval-based interpreter
  • Future work

Stak Scheme

  • A bytecode compiler and virtual machine (VM) for Scheme
    • The compiler is written in Scheme.
    • The VM is written in Rust.
  • It aims to support R7RS-small.


  • An eval-based interpreter
    • Faster startup time
  • The process-context library

The eval-based interpreter

The stak command

  • A Stak Scheme interpreter
  • cargo install stak

Previous architecture

  1. AOT compile of source codes into bytecodes
  2. Run the bytecodes on a VM

Current architecture

  1. Run bytecodes of eval-based interpreter written in Scheme

Interpreter in Scheme

  (scheme base)
  ; ...
  (scheme eval))

(define (main)
  (define program (open-input-file (list-ref (command-line) 1)))

  (do ()
    ((eof-object? (peek-char program))
    (if (char-whitespace? (peek-char program))
      (read-char program)
      (eval (read program) (interaction-environment)))))



Future work

  • Faster startup time
  • Faster cargo install time
    • Build scripts?
  • More compatibility
    • (scheme time) library


  • Building an interpreter!